Science and Technology

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2 023
Num. 3
Summary - This paper studies the consequences of the imposition of the ban on sale of internal combustion engine cars (ICE) decided by the Parliament of the European Union. By using a dynamical model... leggi tutto
2 023
Num. 3
Summary - To overcome the limitations of stationary mobility models highlighted by the recent pandemic and geopolitical crises, with the support of ISFORT, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane (FS) has... leggi tutto
2 023
Num. 2
Summary - The present paper develops a “decision tool” that helps railway infrastructure managers decide the interventions to make at a given railway level crossing of the network in order to improve... leggi tutto
2 023
Num. 2
Summary - With reference to cableway transport systems and in particular to aerial ones, this work presents a critical analysis of the regulatory, technological and operational innovations that have... leggi tutto
2 023
Num. 1
Summary - The distribution of the vertical forces exerted by the wheels on a track is a very important parameter for the safe running and operating economy of a railway vehicle. Under static... leggi tutto
2 023
Num. 1
Summary - The Turin-Lyon railway line was completed in 1871. Its first part, between Turin and Chambéry, was previously planned by the Kingdom of Sardinia – which ended in 1861 with the unification... leggi tutto
2 022
Num. 12
Summary - This article traces the genesis and development of the Common Transport Policy (CTP) of the European Union, whose birth is concurrent with the 1957 Treaty of Rome. An analysis is performed... leggi tutto
2 022
Num. 12
Summary - The dynamical actions to which the catenary dropper is subjected during the pantograph passage can become very relevant for high speeds of railway vehicle. In some very rare and isolated... leggi tutto
2 022
Num. 11
The aim of this paper is focused on the materials used for the manufacturing of the railway bogie frames. The paper will highlight the allowable and innovative materials after discussing the... leggi tutto
2 022
Num. 11
Summary - This research paper develops and presents a framework allowing railway infrastructure managers to effectively assess which railway level crossing of their network may be critically reviewed... leggi tutto


Num. 6
Summary - This paper describes the state of advancement achieved in the OptiYard research project in the use of optimisation algorithms in interaction with microsimulation of the rail-yard and... read all
Num. 5
Summary - The EN-14363 standard states the possibility of verifying the rail vehicles stability by means of an accelerometric simplified method, based on kinematic measurements. In this work this... read all
Num. 4
Abstract - In this paper we present a simplified analytical method for the evaluation of the rails conductance to earth; the proposed method takes into account of the presence of sleepers and ballast... read all
Num. 3
Summary - The aim of this paper is to clarify the effects of bainitic spots in the homogeneous lamellar pearlite structure of wheels located near the tread. Bainite is an intermediate structure,... read all
Num. 1
This article analyzes the historical and technical evolution of the scientific thought on railway traffic at stations and on lines, emphasizing the role of authors whosecontribution is central to the... read all
Num. 12
Summary - Bearing in mind that the advantages of cable-driven transport are basically due to its specific lower energy requirements than those of vehicles with traction aboard, to its capacity to... read all
Num. 12
Summary - Bearing in mind that the advantages of cable-driven transport are basically due to its specific lower energy  than those of vehicles with traction aboard, to its capacity to overcome... read all
Num. 10
Summary - In the field of civil infrastructures, the vast majority of those, built since the middle of the last century, are subject to a global deterioration of mechanical properties due to varied... read all
Num. 8
Summary - The article proposes an approach for estimating the evolution of the Brenner freight traffic demand based on econometric models and techniques for the analysis of historical series.... read all
Num. 4
Summary - Based on a historical-technical course, analyses are provided for an estimate of the relationship be- tween track gauge width and wear effects on the wheels of rolling stock. The gauge, in... read all
