
Ricerca nelle sezioni IF

2 019
Num. 9
Summary - The article provides an overview of the steps taken by electronic drives for railway vehicles, from the first steps of the ‘70s to the gradual diffusion up to the total affirmation of today... leggi tutto
2 019
Num. 8
Summary - The article proposes an approach for estimating the evolution of the Brenner freight traffic demand based on econometric models and techniques for the analysis of historical series.... leggi tutto
2 019
Num. 8
Summary - This paper aims to disclose the cause of amplification of surface vibration induced by train operation in rapid transit system. The surface vibration was measured on site, and a 2D finite-... leggi tutto
2 019
Num. 6
Summary - The increasing demands of regularity and productivity of the railway system have induced to the use of new technologies for the remote control and the automatism of the apparatus in the... leggi tutto
2 019
Num. 6
Summary - The data in the electronic tachograph records (ETR) constitute an important source of information necessary to improve railway operation both from the point of view of reliability and... leggi tutto
2 019
Num. 4
Summary - Based on a historical-technical course, analyses are provided for an estimate of the relationship be- tween track gauge width and wear effects on the wheels of rolling stock. The gauge, in... leggi tutto
2 019
Num. 4
Summary - In this study, we developed a methodology and refined two regressive models for estimating the number of drivers, using actual characteristics of public transport services. These... leggi tutto
2 019
Num. 3
Summary - An appropriate access charges regime represents the basis for guaranteeing fair competition in the rail sector. In accordance with the recent European and national legislations, the... leggi tutto
2 019
Num. 3
Summary - This article describes the adaptation pro- ject to the latest ANSF guidelines for the use and maintenance manuals of the Alstom Coradia ELT 200 fleet in operation on the Bari-Barletta route... leggi tutto
2 019
Num. 2
Summary - The work presents a decision support sys- tem for the drafting of the “Home-Work Trip Plan (Italian acronym PSCL)”. In particular, an innovative methodology of aggregated estimate of the... leggi tutto
